Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

—Sleep Doctor— I saw my Sleep Doctor today. I’m doing good on my CPAP.I did learn that my Philips CPAP has gotten recalled.I got the website URL needed to get my New Philips CPAP ordered.I’m told it could take six months before I get my new one in. I was glad to get this appointment…
Read MoreWow, I slept all day long. I guess I was tired from yesterday.We didn’t get home till late in the evening, and my day had started before 7 AM. I got up this morning and went and got breakfast.After breakfast, I got back in bed and planned to sleep until about noon. But, instead, I…
Read More—Road Trip 3/4/2022— I woke this morning to my Dawg “Tommy” licking my hands.My usual pain was not present this morning.“It’s gonna be a good day,” I thought to myself. I asked my Alexa device what time it was, and she said it was 5 AM.I excitedly got out of bed and let Tommy out.I…
Read More—Alabama Day Trip— I’m going on a day trip with my Mom and Aunt tomorrow.I’m excited, but at the same time, I don’t want to jinx it by talking about it in this post.If all goes right, I could have a great story tomorrow night.—If all goes right. –Lynn
Read MoreA good friend called me today. We go back a long way. As soon as I answered, he said, “Well dang. I just remembered that I already told you the story that I was gonna tell you…” So, I told him a story that I had not told him yet. Not one I can post…
Read More—3/1/22— I dropped my truck off at my Cousins Shop to have the Brakes changed out and have them look it over. I told him to take his time. Next, Papa and I went Shopping at “Sam’s” and the “Pig.”Papa bought everything at Sam’s, and I bought everything at the Pig.Once we got back home,…
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