Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

—To All Who Keep Up with My Health— I saw my Urologist today for my regular appointment. You may remember that I had stents put in both of my Kidneys about four months ago.This was to try and improve my Hydro-Nephrosis Kidneys.Hydro-Nephrosis is usually easily resolved for a typical person. However, with me having a…
Read More2/26/2022 —Daily Blog—2/26/2022 I slept well after getting home yesterday. I didn’t wake up until 5 AM.—6 AM EST, or “Cabin Time.” That’s about 17 hours of sleep. I let our Dawg “Tommy” outside and began the task of unloading the vehicle.I had taken Mom’s vehicle to the Cabin on this last trip because my…
Read More—Headed Home— It’s 3 AM EST at the moment. The wind is blowing hard against the cabin.It’s not raining, but it is wet outside. I left a box of “Hillbilly Taffy” on the table for our next guest.It’s made around here. I’m going to take a shower and put some clean clothes on. I hope…
Read More—Cabin Inventory— I woke at 7 AM EST and brought my medical supplies and luggage in. Being a Single Male does have its advantages. I hadn’t unpacked yet from my last trip. I took my stuff back out to the vehicle. I did have to replenish my medical supplies, such as my Colostomy Bags and…
Read MoreIt’s 2 AM EST, and I’ve safely made it back to the Cabin.It rained the whole trip, which made it take a bit longer.I also didn’t get off at Lenoir City and go through the mountains. I felt it would be wet and unsafe. So, I got off at Pigeon Forge exit 407. The internet…
Read More—The Cabin— The Cabin could have caught fire. We were Blessed that someone was staying there.We were also Blessed with who was staying there—a friend. They arrived Thursday night. Everything was fine.Then, a wind storm along with snow came through during the night. When they woke up and started using the electricity, they noticed things…
Read More—The Bacon Burger— I visited one of the local Fast Food Joints today. When I arrived, the drive-thru line was out to the road.So, I decided to go in and eat. Inside is crazy—Twelve people standing by the registers.Some are waiting on their orders; some are returning their food because the crew members got the…
Read More—Cabin – Bye Bye— I’ve decided that I’m going to go ahead and head home today. I originally planned to leave tomorrow, the 17th, but I woke up with a good bit of energy, and I have to take advantage of that. Tomorrow I may not have this energy.I’m going to take my time packing…
Read More—Cabin -Evening-2/15/2022— My FreeStyle Libre Blood Sugar Sensor needed to be changed out today. Unfortunately, they only last for 14 days. So, I had the local CVS call my Pharmacy back home and get the prescription so I could get a new one. Since I’ve been using the sensor, I’ve been able to lower my…
Read More—Cabin 2/14/2022— I walked the streets of Gatlinburg today, going in and out of shops. The smell of all the food that gets cooked up and down the street was heavenly.Every time a Candy Store or Restaurant door would open, the sweet smell would meet me, and I would take it all in. I popped…
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