
I woke about 7 a.m., which is later than usual for me.
I’ve been trying to sleep as long as possible before getting out of bed and starting my day.

The Temperature this AM was in the Twenties.
“Tommy and Otis” – “The Dawgs,” got up, stretched their whole body, yawned, and looked up at me to find out what was next.

“Com’on, boys. Let’s go outside.”

We began walking through the house.
“Stay with me,” I say to them, and they fall behind me and follow.

I open the door and let them outside: “Go Quick,” I say.
This gives them the command to go and do their business.
If there’s only one thing I could teach a dog, it’s that. “Go Quick.”
When I first got my Dawgs, every time I’d take them outside, I’d walk with them and say, “Go Quick,” over and over until they pee’d or poop’d.
Then, I’d say, “Yay! You went Quick! Good Boy! Good Boy!” and soon they realize that “Go Quick” meant to go Pee or Poop—Or both.

Afterward, I brought them back inside since it was so cold out.
Then, shortly after that, I loaded The Dawgs up and took them for a ride.
In fact, I took ’em for two rides today.

And, as I sit and type this, they are lying on their “Dawg Beds” and napping.

We have four dogs in total.
Two are mine, and two are Mom and Papa’s.
They have two Shepherds. —Herders. They were bred to herd animals such as Sheep and Cattle.
One is named “Cooper” and the other is “Jett.”

Jett is a true Herder too.
If I take him outside, he will walk behind me as if he were “herding” me outside.
And if I bring him inside, he will get behind me as if he were “herding” me through the house.
It must be a built-in instinct, and it’s funny to watch.

Today, all four dogs played hard.
They all love each other, but they like to fight. It’s not serious fights.
It’s play fights. And they like it.
Today, Otis came struttin’ inside with slobber all over his face.
And, tired and give-out, they’re sleeping now.

As I sit, I’ve scrolled through my Facebook Feed while taking a break from Journaling.
A lot of people are posting their New Year’s Resolutions.
A lot of people are making fun of the people who post their New Year’s Resolutions. So, I decided not to post my New Year’s Resolution.

And after Proofing this, I realized I had a pretty boring day.

The Dawgs, “Tommy, and Otis” had a busy day.
They’re still asleep.
And I think they’re out for the night.

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