Daily Blog

Blog 6/16/2024

By pwsadmin / June 17, 2024 / Comments Off on Blog 6/16/2024

It’s been a good couple of days here.The “Fam” returned home safely, which is the main thing.And I’ve gotten some things done with my “Disabled Garden.” So far, I’ve picked several Peppers.One Pepper, in particular, was bought from the Garden Section of Lowes and was not grown from seed like my other plants.It’s called a…

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By pwsadmin / June 11, 2024 / Comments Off on 6/11/2024

My Vacation/Bacheloring is about over.In case you haven’t read previous posts, my Family went on a Vacation, and I stayed behind to “Bachelor” it for a bit.They reported that they were tired and ready to return home, and I’ll admit I missed them a bit. “The Dawgs” and I have had a great time.I was…

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By pwsadmin / June 8, 2024 / Comments Off on 6/8/2024

—6/8/2024— I think I’ve been out in the sunshine a bit too much over the past few days. I’m not sunburnt. I don’t even think I’m red.I just know I’m Cold. This house sits atop a Mountain and gets direct sunlight for much of the day. So, by 2 pm, my room is, I’m guessing,…

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Bachelorin’ It

By pwsadmin / June 3, 2024 / Comments Off on Bachelorin’ It

I’m Bachelorin’ it. The next few days, the “Fam” is out of town.They wanted me to go with them, but I’d rather stay behind and be by myself. It is nice that they really wanted me to go with them, and I feel bad for not going, but I enjoy being a Bachelor. —And being…

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June 1st 2024

By pwsadmin / June 1, 2024 / Comments Off on June 1st 2024

It’s minutes into June 1st of 2024.I woke early—a few minutes past midnight—with a headache.Not a bad headache. Just bad enough to wake me up and keep me from falling back to Sleep.I get my Laptop out to Journal. I have been sick the past week with “Thrush” and yeast infections.My Body seems to have…

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Sick 5/21/2024

By pwsadmin / May 21, 2024 / Comments Off on Sick 5/21/2024

I hate these types of posts, and I’m sure you get tired of reading them. Lately, it seems to be happening more and more often. I’ll try to keep this on the Adult Level. I’m sick. Yes. It’s some type of infection in my body. I have no energy. I keep sleeping and waking up with Cold Sweats. I posted about Cold…

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Engine Trouble

By pwsadmin / April 21, 2024 / Comments Off on Engine Trouble

It was an interesting day. And a dull day. Both. Last night ended with me not being able to crank my truck.I would turn the key, and it would just make a noise like, “e-e-e-e-e-e-e.”So, as the typical guy who knows nothing about engines, I got a hammer out—this is where you laugh. Or cry—popped…

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By pwsadmin / March 24, 2024 / Comments Off on 3/24/24

I woke up with some Muscle Aches this morning.The time was 3:35 in the A.M.The Aches were my body’s way of telling me that I had officially slept in my Recliner for too long—about Five Days too long, to be exact.I feel much better than I did on previous days, which is good. I got…

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By pwsadmin / March 23, 2024 / Comments Off on 3/23/24

My body keeps an infection. I’ve spoken about it before, but it’s been a while since I last talked about it.With Urostomies and Catheters, the body keeps an infection.The goal is to keep the infection under control.So, every now and then, it flares up. That’s what this week has been—a flare-up.I’ve been dealing with it…

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By pwsadmin / March 21, 2024 / Comments Off on 3/20/24

Remember me telling you that I started my Garden indoors using the Starter Pods?Well, my room is full of Pods with Vegetation growing from almost every Pod. I have twelve Squash Plants, which are too many for me.Then, I have Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, and a good bit of Herbs. I’ve run into a problem, though.I…

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