PCP 6 Month Check-Up

I did go to my Primary Care Physician today for my six-month check-up.

My heart rate has always been fast. Even as a teenager.
My Primary Care Doctor has been keeping a close check on my heart for several years.
I even remember wearing a heart monitor.

Anytime I’m in the hospital, my heart rate is about 90 bpm. I’m laying down and at rest then, though.

All of my EKGs have been normal over the years.

My heart rate has been going up, though.
It’s usually 110 bpm. Yeah, fast. I know.
Today it was 127 bpm, though. I stayed at the doctors’ office for two hours while they kept track of my heart. The lowest it got was 120 bpm.

I told the doctor how many drinks containing caffeine I had drank today.
She also went through each medication I take to see if it could be medication-related. She said she did not think it was my medication.

As I sit here typing, it’s 115bpm. I was just now up and walking around, though.

A heart doctors’ office will be calling me this week to schedule an appointment.

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  1. pwsadmin on June 4, 2021 at 5:59 pm
