
Walking With Spina Bifida

Tooth Extraction – ‘Gowd’ Crown

By pwsadmin / January 24, 2022 / Comments Off on Tooth Extraction – ‘Gowd’ Crown

—Gold Crown— Today I visited my dentist to have a tooth “Extracted.” To tell you the truth, I’d much rather have heard my dentist tell me that he’s going to pull my tooth.Instead, he says, “Mr. Thomas, we’re going to ‘extract’ that tooth today.” I looked at the tools on the tray, and I saw…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Half Shell Oyster House

By pwsadmin / January 22, 2022 / Comments Off on Half Shell Oyster House

—Half Shell Oyster House— I was in the mood for some Oysters on the half shell today, but the only Restaurant I knew of that has them has gone under during the Pandemic.So, I called my Uncle. Uncle “Unc!” that is.And he told me about the “Half Shell Oyster House.” I called my Dad and…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Upcoming Trips – 2022

By pwsadmin / January 22, 2022 / Comments Off on Upcoming Trips – 2022

—Upcoming Trips— I know I haven’t gone on any Trips in a bit, but I haven’t had the chance—or the money… 🙂 —But, that is about to change.—Not the money…Lately, I’ve been putting together some Upcoming Trips to various places to visit here in the South. Quick trips. Road trips. Call ’em what you like.…

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Spina Bifida – The Birds And The Bees

By pwsadmin / January 15, 2022 / Comments Off on Spina Bifida – The Birds And The Bees

—Spina Bifida And The Birds And The Bees— No two people born with Spina Bifida are the same. It affects everyone differently. When I was born, the doctors thought I wouldn’t be able to walk.After having my Spina Bifida repaired surgically, and it was safe to lay me on my back, my Mother would lay…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

National Championship 1/10/2022

By pwsadmin / January 11, 2022 / Comments Off on National Championship 1/10/2022

—1/10/2022— I feel I need to write something postable with today being 1/10/2022. Why is it important? The National Championship Game is today at 7 PM CST. Yes, Alabama is playing Georgia for the National Championship in Football. Both teams belong to the SEC. That’s important. So, of course, I’m pulling for Alabama.I’m also sitting…

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Blog 1/5/2022

By pwsadmin / January 6, 2022 / Comments Off on Blog 1/5/2022

—Blog 1/5/2022— A good day today. First off, my Diabetes has been much more under control ever since getting the “Freestyle Libre System” to monitor my Blood Sugar. Instead of checking my blood sugar six times a day, I’m able to check it as much as I’d like. Thirty times if I feel like it.And…

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The Smoke Detector

By pwsadmin / January 2, 2022 / Comments Off on The Smoke Detector

“Go up to the attic and make sure nothing is on fire.”
I head up to the attic and see that it’s fine and dandy.

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Happy New Year 2022

By pwsadmin / January 1, 2022 / Comments Off on Happy New Year 2022

—Happy New Year— 5, 4, 3, 2, 1— Happy New Year! My Aunt and I stood on the Cabin’s porch and watched as the ball dropped at the Space Needle.People all over the Mountain began singing “Auld Lang Syne” while fireworks shot off over the Space Needle.We were now in the year 2020. Earlier, we…

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Christmas Day 2021

By pwsadmin / December 25, 2021 / Comments Off on Christmas Day 2021

It was a Beautiful Day today. Momma was right; This was the best Christmas since 2009. Merry Christmas Love you, -Lynn —Christmas, 2021

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Christmas 2021

By pwsadmin / December 24, 2021 / Comments Off on Christmas 2021

—Christmas 2021— Christmas for a single fella’ who has no children and is Disabled is a bit different. When I was a kid, I got Corrective Shoes and Diapers for Christmas.I really shouldn’t leave that sentence like that. I got other things as well.One year, I got a US Army outfit complete with the military…

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