
The Hometown Tourist

By pwsadmin / August 15, 2024 / Comments Off on The Hometown Tourist

It all started when we got a company to re-insulate the house.I knew the company was coming to take out the old insulation and install new insulation.Papa had chosen this Spray Foam type of insulation.The guys had been working for three days getting the old insulation out. Once they began spraying the foam insulation into…

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Update 8/14/2024

By pwsadmin / August 14, 2024 / Comments Off on Update 8/14/2024

This past week, I had the honor of seeing a few doctors to see how my Health is.In general, I’m doing much better than I was.My urologist wants to go ahead and change out my kidney stents. I usually get them changed out around January, but my doctor wants to go ahead and change them…

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Fried Bologna Sandwich

By pwsadmin / July 18, 2024 / Comments Off on Fried Bologna Sandwich

I walked into a diner this morning for breakfast.The place has a good Breakfast and a good Breakfast Crowd. It’s also very loud during Breakfast Hours, which will play a big part in this story. I get in line. Person after person goes up to the counter, places their order, and steps to their left…

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Blog 6/16/2024

By pwsadmin / June 17, 2024 / Comments Off on Blog 6/16/2024

It’s been a good couple of days here.The “Fam” returned home safely, which is the main thing.And I’ve gotten some things done with my “Disabled Garden.” So far, I’ve picked several Peppers.One Pepper, in particular, was bought from the Garden Section of Lowes and was not grown from seed like my other plants.It’s called a…

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By pwsadmin / June 11, 2024 / Comments Off on 6/11/2024

My Vacation/Bacheloring is about over.In case you haven’t read previous posts, my Family went on a Vacation, and I stayed behind to “Bachelor” it for a bit.They reported that they were tired and ready to return home, and I’ll admit I missed them a bit. “The Dawgs” and I have had a great time.I was…

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By pwsadmin / June 8, 2024 / Comments Off on 6/8/2024

—6/8/2024— I think I’ve been out in the sunshine a bit too much over the past few days. I’m not sunburnt. I don’t even think I’m red.I just know I’m Cold. This house sits atop a Mountain and gets direct sunlight for much of the day. So, by 2 pm, my room is, I’m guessing,…

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The Front Porch

By pwsadmin / June 6, 2024 / Comments Off on The Front Porch

Sitting on the Front Porch is one of the Great things about living in the South.You’ve seen it on “The Andy Griffith Show.”Andy, Aunt Bee, and Opie just sitting on the Front Porch.Andy may pick the Guitar up to play it.Opie might be playing with Wooden Blocks.Yet, they sit there calmly and peacefully. Sometimes talking.…

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Majestic Pies

By pwsadmin / June 4, 2024 / Comments Off on Majestic Pies

—Majestic Pies— Every Town should have a local joint to hang out at.A place where you can go to unwind, have a drink, eat some Great Food, and see your neighbors and friends. A place where you can Laugh, Sing, and Cheer for your team as you watch them play on the TV. Hug someone…

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Bachelorin’ It

By pwsadmin / June 3, 2024 / Comments Off on Bachelorin’ It

I’m Bachelorin’ it. The next few days, the “Fam” is out of town.They wanted me to go with them, but I’d rather stay behind and be by myself. It is nice that they really wanted me to go with them, and I feel bad for not going, but I enjoy being a Bachelor. —And being…

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June 1st 2024

By pwsadmin / June 1, 2024 / Comments Off on June 1st 2024

It’s minutes into June 1st of 2024.I woke early—a few minutes past midnight—with a headache.Not a bad headache. Just bad enough to wake me up and keep me from falling back to Sleep.I get my Laptop out to Journal. I have been sick the past week with “Thrush” and yeast infections.My Body seems to have…

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