Spina Bifida


By pwsadmin / June 11, 2024 / Comments Off on 6/11/2024

My Vacation/Bacheloring is about over.In case you haven’t read previous posts, my Family went on a Vacation, and I stayed behind to “Bachelor” it for a bit.They reported that they were tired and ready to return home, and I’ll admit I missed them a bit. “The Dawgs” and I have had a great time.I was…

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The After Effects of Suicide

By pwsadmin / June 5, 2024 / Comments Off on The After Effects of Suicide

—The After Effects of Suicide— I pulled into the parking lot and parked.The Cemetery was in front of me.I noticed that the tree he was buried under had been cut down to make room for more Burial Plots.It had been Twenty-Eight or Twenty-Nine Years since I was last here.I got out of my Truck. Outside…

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Medical Update 5/16/24

By pwsadmin / May 17, 2024 / Comments Off on Medical Update 5/16/24

Phew. This week has been busy. You may remember that I had to have my truck towed to my Cousins Automotive Shop for repairs. In the meantime, I drove a teenage girl’s car, which was filled with Pink Seats and a pink Steering Wheel. It smelled like a rainforest filled with Unicorns, Rainbows, and Cotton…

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Medical Update

By pwsadmin / April 27, 2024 / Comments Off on Medical Update

Today is better than yesterday. Which, if you’re curious, was better than the day before. I had been eating soups and “Light” meals since being sick. My body had also been craving Gator Aid, so as a person who listens to his body, I went through Gator Aid. And water. Lots of water. It’s time…

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Kidney Infection

By pwsadmin / April 27, 2024 / Comments Off on Kidney Infection

I’m sitting here listening to WSM Radio – The Grand Ole Opry. I thought I’d be writing this Journal Entry from my Hospital Room at Grandview Medical Center. I was supposed to be in Nashville this weekend at The Grand Ole Opry but had to cancel at the last minute due to health issues. Three…

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The Event

By pwsadmin / April 8, 2024 / Comments Off on The Event

—The Event – Part II— I sat in the Suite, sipping my Diet Coke and waiting.—Waiting to meet a bunch of people I had never met. I was nervous about this.Still, I patiently sat and watched the Arena from the Suite.My Uncle “Unc!” texted me and said they had arrived and were walking to the…

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Upcoming Event

By pwsadmin / April 4, 2024 / Comments Off on Upcoming Event

Today, it dawned on me that I’ve been feeling down lately.Maybe the word “Blah” describes it best.When I feel like this, I don’t feel much like journaling.I don’t feel much like doing anything. I believe these feelings are a normal part of life.And it’s easy to get down on yourself. Very easy. I believe it…

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By pwsadmin / March 24, 2024 / Comments Off on 3/24/24

I woke up with some Muscle Aches this morning.The time was 3:35 in the A.M.The Aches were my body’s way of telling me that I had officially slept in my Recliner for too long—about Five Days too long, to be exact.I feel much better than I did on previous days, which is good. I got…

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By pwsadmin / March 23, 2024 / Comments Off on 3/23/24

My body keeps an infection. I’ve spoken about it before, but it’s been a while since I last talked about it.With Urostomies and Catheters, the body keeps an infection.The goal is to keep the infection under control.So, every now and then, it flares up. That’s what this week has been—a flare-up.I’ve been dealing with it…

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The Podiatrist

By pwsadmin / March 7, 2024 / Comments Off on The Podiatrist

I had my Podiatrist Visit this week.That whole day is a story within itself. —The whole world seemed to be against me having Escargot or Fried Chicken Livers. I digress, though. This was my first visit to this Podiatrist.I hadn’t seen a doctor of this type since I lived in Huntsville. The place is a…

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