Eyecare And Diabetes

—Eyecare Update—

As I posted earlier, I have several doctor appointments this month. I’ll try and update after each visit.

Today I saw my Ophthalmologist.

If you have diabetes, then you know how diabetes can mess with your eyes.
Blurred Vision, Pressure behind the eyes, and eye strain are all a part of my eyesight now.
Some people with diabetes have even gone blind because of their diabetes—Mary Tyler Moore is one example.
So, it’s crucial for me to see my eye doctor regularly.

The doctor performed all the available exams—I even paid an extra 35 Dollars for one other exam, and I am happy to report that everything looked good today—No burst blood vessels, no glaucoma, no diabetic retinopathy.
In fact, she said I only need glasses when I’m on the computer writing.

I’ll see that doctor in another year unless something changes.

That’s all for now,

Love you,

