First Snow of 2022

—First Snow of 2022—

We got snow!

That’s a big deal down here.
I’m guessing an inch and a half. I’ll know more when it gets light outside.
It’s currently 6:00 AM CST and still dark outside.

The weather in the South can get pretty crazy.
For example, a few days ago, it was warm, and we had tornado outbreaks. Yesterday it was in the 60s. And today, it’s 29 degrees with about an inch and a half of snow on the ground.
—I haven’t looked at school closings yet, but I’m sure there are plenty of closings.

If you live in an area that gets snow all the time, you’ve probably had “Snow Ice Cream.”
I love Snow Ice Cream, but we don’t get to eat it much since we don’t get snow all that often.
So, when it gets light outside, I’m going to take a bucket and see if I can gather enough snow to make some.
There is nothing like Homemade Snow Ice Cream—You have to make sure and get pure, clean snow.

I cranked my truck up and have the heater and defroster going in case I have to go somewhere quickly. ( I have a timer set to remind me to go out there and check on it)

This snow has brought back good memories of my time living in Virginia—Good times.

That’s all for now.

Love you,


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