Medical Update 10/24/2022

—To Family and Friends Who Keep Up With My Health—

I went to see my Endocrinologist today.
He keeps up with my Diabetes and anything deficient in my body.

First, my Diabetes:

My A1C is down to 6.5, which is excellent.
The goal is to keep it under 7.0
Therefore, no changes were made to my Diabetes medications.

Now, everything else:

About a month ago, I had a full-panel blood test.
He gave me the results today, and those results were also excellent.

I take several medications for things I am deficient in, and these results prove that I am taking just the right amount of those medications.
Again, no changes were made to those medications.

It was a great appointment.

And that’s the latest from the Endocrinologist.

Love you,

