Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

We’ve been going through a “Heat Wave” here in the South as of late.Each day for the past Week, we’ve had to bring all the dogs in. Even if they didn’t want to come in.It’s for their best. Each morning, the temperatures would already be in the ’70s, if not the ’80s, when I woke…
Read MorePeople with Spina Bifida have to take special care of their feet.Then, people with Diabetes have to take special care of their feet.I have both.My feet are atrophied and deformed. I basically cram my feet into my shoes. A foot Doctor once told me that there is no Medical name for a Spina Bifida foot.…
Read More—Otis Neutered—The picture says it all…“Otis ‘The Dawg’” has gotten Neutered.He is not pleased with me at the moment, either. As I said, The picture says it all…
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