Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

CautionI say that somewhat jokingly.Some people may get grossed out by some of this Southern Cuisine.And Cuisine it is. We decided to get some Steamed Shrimp for dinner tonight.I’m sure everyone reading this has had Steamed Shrimp, so that’s not the problem. We were deciding on this around 11 AM this morning. “Why don’t I…
Read MoreI got up out of bed this morning around 6 AM. “Alexa, turn on Barney.”“Alexa, turn on Andy.” I got my bearings and wandered into the bathroom to take a shower.I had to change bandages and wafers. Afterward, I sat at my laptop and looked out the window.The sky was one big cloud—off-White.The “Alexa” device…
Read MoreA lot of posts for one day.It’s been a good one, though. I’ve attached pictures with this post. I’ve wanted to learn how to make pizza and biscuit dough lately.They each are different.I’ve even asked a friend who is known for her cooking.Mom is going to help me as well. She knows how to make…
Read MoreI walked outside to see if it was a good day to take “Tommy” the Dawg out for a drive. It’s been rainy the past month, and I don’t like going for drives in the rain.So, Tommy hasn’t gone for a ride with me in a while now. Outside, it was sunny with clear blue…
Read MoreI think about many things when doctor appointments arise or when I’m sickly. There is lots of sitting and waiting, but there is also lots of driving.So, plenty of time for thinking.The things I think and wonder about, though, nobody would care to hear.For one thing, I’m no scholar. For the past several days, I’ve…
Read MoreI finished “The Grapes of Wrath.”It’s gonna take a good 24 to 48 hours for me to recover from reading…that. This family, in fact, all of the families, were living in “H-E-Double-Hockey-Stick” already, and I didn’t think life could get any worse.It did. As I said in another post, the story occurred during the “Dust…
Read MoreIt weighs Five Hundred and Fifty pounds.The dimensions? 76 x 45 x 31.5.The cost is $4795. When it first came across my laptop’s screen, I paused and asked, “What in the world is that?”I looked closer. I zoomed in on the picture.And I had to know more. I clicked the link. Schools all over have…
Read MoreA rough morning. Driving home last night, my “Low Fuel” light came on.I was already on our street, so I figured I’d fill it up on my next trip out.Turned out, though, that my next trip out was taking Niece number 2 to school this morning. It’s my fault for letting it get too low.I…
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