Yesterday, Easter 2023, was a pretty great day. It started with me going to the gas station.I noticed a Red Dodge Charger parked. The driver gets out, and I do a double-take.He looked just like my late brother.I stopped, looked, and even tilted my head a bit.He faced the other way as he got gas,…
Read More“Otis.” I decided on “Otis.” I got up a little after 4:30 am today. With my Spinal Cord doing its usual thing and shocking the fire out of me, I decided to go for a drive and maybe grab a drink at the gas station.I decided to let “Tommy the Dawg” sleep and go by…
Read MoreI’m going out tonight with my older brother and dad. My anxiety is high. Earlier today, I ran up to Huntsville, Alabama, to see my Psychiatrist.She says it’s good to get out. I wouldn’t expect her to say anything less. She is always positive. My anxiety is high because I’ll be out of my comfort…
Read MoreThe day is over. Christmas 2022 is in the books.This has been one of the better Christmas’ since I first heard the term “Corona Virus” or “COVID.” The morning began with me going for a Christmas Morning drive through the country.When I returned, everyone had gotten up, and it was time to open gifts.Afterward, I…
Read MoreI visited Cullman, Alabama, tonight to watch the movie “Avatar” with my Brother and Nephew. Cullman is the town I grew up in.Sort of:My hometown is Fultondale, Alabama.Before moving to Cullman, I also lived in a few different areas of Harrisonburg, Virginia.In Cullman, I went from being a Child to an adult.Many birthdays, including my…
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