Christmas 2022

The day is over. Christmas 2022 is in the books.
This has been one of the better Christmas’ since I first heard the term “Corona Virus” or “COVID.”

The morning began with me going for a Christmas Morning drive through the country.
When I returned, everyone had gotten up, and it was time to open gifts.
Afterward, I took Niece one and Niece two over to Dad’s house for Christmas.
We played games, watched TV, and ate. Of course, I wore my new hat.

The girls and I are now back at home. It’s gotten dark outside. The current temperature is 27 degrees out.
I heard it’s going to get in the 70s sometime soon. That’s typical for good ol’ Southern weather.

The dogs are outside doing their business and playing. They have fifteen minutes before I bring them back inside.

I may ride around tonight and look at the Christmas Lights one last time. I’m sure the lights won’t be up much longer. It’s bad luck to leave lights up past New Year. The same goes for the Christmas Tree. Yep. Bad luck to have your tree up past New Year.
Of course, I don’t believe any of that.
But I will drive around one last time and look at the Christmas Lights. It was such a memorable Christmas this year.

One last time: Merry Christmas!
