

By pwsadmin / June 11, 2024 / Comments Off on 6/11/2024

My Vacation/Bacheloring is about over.In case you haven’t read previous posts, my Family went on a Vacation, and I stayed behind to “Bachelor” it for a bit.They reported that they were tired and ready to return home, and I’ll admit I missed them a bit. “The Dawgs” and I have had a great time.I was…

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By pwsadmin / June 8, 2024 / Comments Off on 6/8/2024

—6/8/2024— I think I’ve been out in the sunshine a bit too much over the past few days. I’m not sunburnt. I don’t even think I’m red.I just know I’m Cold. This house sits atop a Mountain and gets direct sunlight for much of the day. So, by 2 pm, my room is, I’m guessing,…

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The Front Porch

By pwsadmin / June 6, 2024 / Comments Off on The Front Porch

Sitting on the Front Porch is one of the Great things about living in the South.You’ve seen it on “The Andy Griffith Show.”Andy, Aunt Bee, and Opie just sitting on the Front Porch.Andy may pick the Guitar up to play it.Opie might be playing with Wooden Blocks.Yet, they sit there calmly and peacefully. Sometimes talking.…

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Bachelorin’ It

By pwsadmin / June 3, 2024 / Comments Off on Bachelorin’ It

I’m Bachelorin’ it. The next few days, the “Fam” is out of town.They wanted me to go with them, but I’d rather stay behind and be by myself. It is nice that they really wanted me to go with them, and I feel bad for not going, but I enjoy being a Bachelor. —And being…

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June 1st 2024

By pwsadmin / June 1, 2024 / Comments Off on June 1st 2024

It’s minutes into June 1st of 2024.I woke early—a few minutes past midnight—with a headache.Not a bad headache. Just bad enough to wake me up and keep me from falling back to Sleep.I get my Laptop out to Journal. I have been sick the past week with “Thrush” and yeast infections.My Body seems to have…

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By pwsadmin / May 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Updates

I know it has been a few days since I posted, and I hope you will forgive me for that. I’ll admit that I’ve seen better days. My Health is OK. It isn’t that. You may remember me posting about my Truck not cranking a couple of weeks ago. Then, it began working again, just…

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By pwsadmin / May 5, 2024 / Comments Off on 1984

At 5 AM, I awoke to “Tommy” needing to go outside. I take him and “Otis,” both outside. Once back in, they lay down, and I decide to take a drive around the countryside.  Wanting to be alone, I left “The Dawgs.” They were sleepier anyway. The Book “1984” plays overhead as I drive. I’m reading it…

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By pwsadmin / April 23, 2024 / Comments Off on Stuck

The year was 1984. I was Eight because I hadn’t had my Birthday yet. Tony and I were walking home from the Bus Stop after School.Our home was over 125 yards from the Bus Stop, so a lot of talking took place during this walk. I could see something up ahead as we got closer…

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By pwsadmin / March 17, 2024 / Comments Off on 3/17/2024

I took an early morning drive today.The temperature was in the ’50s, and outside was overcast and drizzly.“Alexa” told me it’s supposed to get cold tonight. Right now, though, it feels nice.“Bob Segar” played on the radio as I drove through the countryside. Rabbits were out in full force. They were everywhere. I almost ran…

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Daily Update

By pwsadmin / March 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Daily Update

I enjoy Pimento Cheese Sandwiches. I also enjoy Chicken Salad Sandwiches. “Mrs. Stratton” makes good Pimento Cheese and Chicken Salad. I also like Tuna Salad. I know how to make my own Chicken and Tuna Salad. —I add celery and sweet peas. Mom, however, makes Homemade Pimento Cheese. And it’s pretty tasty.She told me how…

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