Christmas 1920

—Christmas – 1920—

It’s Christmas Eve. The year is 1920, and many families are going into town to buy the Christmas tree they will put in the house.

Many families will decorate the tree with strands of popcorn using thread and a needle.
They will wrap the tree with colored ropes such as red, green, and blue.
Some families will put lit candles on the tree, which is why they only had a tree up for one night.
More affluent families with electricity will put lights on their trees.

Pine combs and small items from around the house will also get placed on the tree.
Things that mean something to the family members, like a picture of a loved one, most certainly will get placed on the tree.

The children would have at least written to Santa Clause by now, and if they were lucky enough to see Santa, they would have sat on his lap and told him what they wanted for Christmas.

Parents would make by hand, in advance, many of the gifts that they would give.
The mother would knit clothes such as gloves and socks.
Some bigger kids might get a rifle for hunting food to put meat on the table.
Younger kids might get a doll or a small toy to play with as their main gift.

Once it got dark outside, the streets would become empty.
It would get very quiet, and families would gather around the tree and admire it.
They would dream and hope for a better world.
After all, the Great War had just ended in 1918 and had altered the world substantially.

Many people would go to a church service.
Many, to midnight service.
They would go to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and dream of peace on earth and goodwill towards man.

Merry Christmas Everyone

Love you,


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