Spina Bifida

The Podiatrist

By pwsadmin / March 7, 2024 / Comments Off on The Podiatrist

I had my Podiatrist Visit this week.That whole day is a story within itself. —The whole world seemed to be against me having Escargot or Fried Chicken Livers. I digress, though. This was my first visit to this Podiatrist.I hadn’t seen a doctor of this type since I lived in Huntsville. The place is a…

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The Beetle

By pwsadmin / March 3, 2024 / Comments Off on The Beetle

I want to explain something that I have to deal with every day. Every hour. Every minute. —My body.The Bible says God is in the Mother’s Womb during our Creation. I believe it. If my body were a vehicle, it would be a WWII Volkswagen Beetle.The Volkswagen used in WWII, also known as the “Kommandeurswagen,”…

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2/29/2024 – Update

By pwsadmin / February 29, 2024 / Comments Off on 2/29/2024 – Update

Someone “Teased” us with Spring-Like Weather over the past few days. Whoever the “tease” was, then laughed a maniacal laugh, flipped the switch to the A/C back to “On,” shouted, “Just Kiddin’,” and shut the door on us all. It’s not that cold, either. But the body doesn’t like going from 70 to 45 degrees…

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Hip Injection

By pwsadmin / February 29, 2024 / Comments Off on Hip Injection

I got my Hip Injection today.I walked into Procedure Room #5 where I heard Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead Or Alive” playing overhead. “Good Tune,” I say to the Doctor. “Yes, Sir. Gotta love Classic Rock,” He replied. “It’s hard to believe that’s considered “Classic Rock,” I said. “It feels like that song came out yesterday.”…

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Update 2/27/2024

By pwsadmin / February 28, 2024 / Comments Off on Update 2/27/2024

Tomorrow, I go for my Hip Shot.As I’ve stated before, I cannot have “Back Blocks” or any type of “Shot” in my Back due to my Spina Bifida and my Tethered Spinal Cord. I can, however, have shots in my Hips to help alleviate Hip pain. I’ll have that done tomorrow. Then, on Friday, I…

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2/26/24 – Journal Entry

By pwsadmin / February 27, 2024 / Comments Off on 2/26/24 – Journal Entry

It was another beautiful Spring-Like day today, so I took “The Dawgs” out for a drive. On a long straight stretch of the road, I came up on four Buzzards eating something on the road. I’ll call it a “Steak.” A great big juicy Steak. They were in hog heaven.As I get close, the Buzzards…

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Scott Richards

By pwsadmin / February 16, 2024 / Comments Off on Scott Richards

Here in the South, we Love and Cherish our Local News Anchors.It may be the same where you live.We feel that they are one of us. On our side. Our Neighbor. Our Friend. Our Family. One of our Local News Anchors passed away today.From childhood until his retirement in 2014, “Scott Richards” of WBRC 6…

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The Reunion

By pwsadmin / February 13, 2024 / Comments Off on The Reunion

My Childhood friend, “Lou,” called me the other day to tell me about a Class Reunion—a thirty-year class reunion—and he asked if I wanted to go. I reminded him that my Senior Year was not spent at Fultondale, and I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to go. “Lou,” being the kind, caring friend that…

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Adult Spina Bifida Clinic

By pwsadmin / February 7, 2024 / Comments Off on Adult Spina Bifida Clinic

I woke at 5 a.m. this morning. I couldn’t sleep during the night. I was anxious about the day ahead of me.Today is my all-day appointment at the Adult Spina Bifida Clinic. First, I have to head over to Grandview Medical Center to get a copy of my recent Renal Ultrasound.Then, I head over to…

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Urology Update

By pwsadmin / February 2, 2024 / Comments Off on Urology Update

The Doctors Office. Birmingham, Alabama. I arrived 30 minutes early.My Urologist is at the Grandview Medical Center Professional Offices off of Highway 280.Yes, …280Because of 280, I left an hour early.280… I’m sitting in a quiet waiting room with four other fellas.A quiet waiting room is perfect for Lenny and Squiggy, my Colostomy and Urostomy…

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