Lynn Meets Thelma Lou

Ms. Betty Lynn, also remembered as “Thelma Lou” on The Andy Griffith Show, Passed away.
I got to meet her once. Yes. I even wrote about it. This is that Journal Entry.

Mt. Airy North Carolina
Lynn meets Betty Lynn.

After visiting Main Street, Mount Airy, I made my way to The Andy Griffith Museum. I did not get any pics of the museum, though, because I got straight in line to meet “Thelma Lou.”
I got in line around 11:15ish, and she was to show up at 1 pm. I was 6th in line.

As I waited, the line got longer and longer. I counted over 150 people standing in line, waiting to meet her and get an autograph of the sweet Thelma Lou.

Her assistant came out and gave us the rules, which were:

  1. NO KISSING ON THE MOUTH! (I guess someone has tried this before)
  2. Keep the autographs short.

I had no problem with the rules.
I had paid for several autographs, though, and I felt terrible having her sign all of the pictures I bought.
I asked her assistant if it was okay for her to sign all the pictures I bought. She said, “Yes, just keep it at “Betty Lynn.”
I was okay with that.

She took time with each person which meant, I had to wait for a half-hour before she got to me, and I was 6th in line.
There were around a hundred and fifty more behind me. I had no problem with waiting, though.
Finally, It was my time.

I walked around the corner, and there she was! Thelma Lou! Barney’s girl! Good ol’ Thel.’
I forgot everything I was going to say! I couldn’t remember my name.
I couldn’t remember her name!
Remember in “The Christmas Story” when Ralphy finally gets to sit on Santa’s lap, and he forgets everything? Yep. That was me.

She motioned for me to come on over.
I tripped on my feet, going over to her. She had the biggest grin. She puts her hand out to shake, and I shook her hand.
She asked, “What’s your name?” I had forgotten even to introduce myself! I said, “Lynn! Like your name! Lynn! Even spelled the same! L-Y-N-N! My name is Lynn! You’re Betty Lynn, and I’m Lynn!”

I then calmed down; Shook off the jitters.
I said, “Miss Betty Lynn, I drove all the way from Alabama to see you.”
( actually, I drove from Alabama to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for vacation and decided to drive over to Mount Airy for a mini vacation but, I did not want to explain all that to her)

She told me that Goober and Gomer were from Alabama as well. I agreed with her that they were indeed from Alabama as well… There was a pause in our conversation. This wasn’t going well.

I pulled out the pictures and said, “Ma’am, I was going to give some of these out for Christmas gifts so, I bought a lot of pictures. If you don’t want to sign them all, you do not have to. I apologize”. She said she would sign all of them. I told her she could keep it short, though, and just sign her name. She signed one of them, “To Lynn,” though. The others got signed “Betty Lynn, ‘Thelma Lou'” with the date on them.

I had to say something kind to her, though before I left so, I said, “You are one of the greats. You are up there with Lucille Ball”. She thanked me for the kind words.
For some reason, as I was leaving, I said, “I Love You”! Then, I turned and said, “I meant, God, Bless!”
I then tripped on my feet once again.
Embarrassed, I rushed out without looking back at her.

Well, I wanted her to remember me, and I think she will…


RIP Ms. Betty Lynn. You will always be the Cats.

Love you,

