Oh Well

I got up early today and immediately wanted to go for a drive.

I checked to see what time it was. 5 AM. “Perfect!” I thought.

I got up and brushed my teeth. I thought I’d take a shower after I got back.
I wanted to ride around and see the Deer as the sun came up.
If I was lucky, I’d see that Owl that I sometimes see. It likes to sit on the limb of this dying tree. At least, in the Winter, it looks like it’s dying. But, it’s very much alive.

Then, I thought I’d drive over to the Gas Station at the bottom of the hill. It’s a family-owned and operated business. They have a Deli and serve Breakfast and Lunch. I like their Tenderloin Biscuit.
I figured I’d get a cup of coffee and say “Hey” to a few people.

I let my Dawg Tommy outside and hurriedly got into mom’s vehicle.
I’m using Mom’s vehicle while mine is in the shop.
I pushed the Garage Door Opener, and the Garage Door began opening.

I cranked the vehicle up, looked into my mirror, and… there it was…
Papa’s truck was blocking me from getting out… I’m not about to wake up Papa. And I’m not going through anybody’s pockets for their keys. It’s just not right.

Oh well…
I really should shower first anyway… …And, our coffee isn’t too bad.

Good Morning Everyone!

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