Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

You may or may not remember that I planted a garden this year. We have a Raised Flowerbed here at the house, and I used that for my Garden.It’s raised to my waist, making it easy to maintain. I do not have to bend over at all.Bending over is an issue for me with my…
Read More—Sunshine— I returned home from dropping the dogs, “Jet” and “Cooper,” off at the Vet. When I walked through the front door, I was met with a “Smell.” “Oh, no. What’s that smell? I’ve spent all week cleaning this house and making it smell good, and now this. I don’t have time for this.” I…
Read MoreWe have three dogs—Jet, Cooper, and Tommy. Jet and Cooper are Australian Shepards, and Tommy is a Black Lab. I had to take Jet and Cooper to the vet for an appointment this morning. The appointment was at eight. Yesterday, I cleaned my truck out to make room for them. I made sure everything was…
Read MoreI found myself standing in the Pasta Section of “The Pig.” They have so many different types of noodles: Spaghetti Noodles, Fettucini Noodles, Lasagna Noodles, and Angel Hair Noodles. I had put myself on a spending limit for this trip; I would make Spaghetti with Garlic Bread for under twenty bucks. “Wanted Dead or Alive”…
Read MoreThe Bachelor’s life has been great the past several days. And, I’ve eaten like a King—”King” with a capital “K.” The first night I made my favorite meal to make. Kraut and WeeniesMashed PotatoesSweet PeasCorn on the Cobb —and not “Instant” Mashed Potatoes. Mom won’t allow that stuff in the house. I’ll tell you a…
Read MoreI’m Bachelor’ing it this weekend. Yep. I have the place to myself. I stayed behind to care for the animals, plus I’ve got a pretty busy June and July planned, and I needed to save my money. The first thing I do when I have the place to myself is to go and buy my…
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