Blog 5/28/2022

I’m Bachelor’ing it this weekend. Yep. I have the place to myself.

I stayed behind to care for the animals, plus I’ve got a pretty busy June and July planned, and I needed to save my money.

The first thing I do when I have the place to myself is to go and buy my food supplies. So, off to Dollar General, I went.

Totino’s Pizzas
Total = Around 21 Bucks.

Those supplies, plus what I already have here, should be plenty.

I usually get into bed around 8:30 PM. Last night, however, I got into bed after 10:30 PM.
You know how if you don’t eat while you’re hungry, you’re not hungry when you get the chance to eat? Is that just me? That happens to me all the time. Anyway.
By staying up later than usual, I think I missed my opportunity to sleep. I couldn’t sleep at all. I’d be willing to bet that I got less than 2 hours of sleep last night. So, I figure I’ll be napping today.

Since I couldn’t sleep, I got up at 4 AM, took a shower, and went for an early morning drive.
I saw several rabbits on my drive, and of course, I had to stop to let the duck family cross the street. I think they watch for my vehicle.
As soon as the momma duck sees me coming, she hollers for everyone to get behind her, and they mosey across the street. I giggle watching them cross, though. I’ve heard “Why did the Chicken cross the road?” jokes all my life, and here I am wondering why the Ducks are crossing the road. And I giggle.

It rained here three or four days in a row, and my little garden needs to get weeded. I’ll do that today.
The garden is doing exceptionally well. I’m pleased with it.
I’ll try and post some pictures of it soon.

It’s now 6:21 AM, and I think I’ll get started de-weeding the garden before it gets hot.

That’s all for now.

Love you,

