Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

—Cabin – Day 5— I woke up this morning at 5:00 AM EST. and decided to Journal Yesterday’s events. Yesterday we got the decorations packed up.Mom has some boxes packed in her vehicle, and I’ll pack the other boxes in my vehicle. We ordered a large Pizza, Breadsticks, and two Salads from “Ski Mountain Pizza.”Before…
Read More—Cabin – Day 4— Not much to report from the Cabin today. The day began around 5 AM for me, while Momma and my Aunt didn’t get up until about 9 AM. I built a fire, and we layed around on the couches and watched TV documentaries about Hollywood Stars.We also watched the show “Autopsy:…
Read More—Cabin – Day 3 – Evening— I straightened the Cabin up today and took a shower. Mom and my Aunt are on the way. But, unfortunately, my Uncle didn’t come with them. The Driving App “Life360” that we use says that they are about an hour away. The forecast is for snow tonight; Not much.…
Read More—Cabin – Day 3 – Morning— To be honest, I came up to the ol’ cabin hoping to get snowed in.Almost every guest who has stayed the past month has seen snow. Today, I woke up late—really late—10 AM EST. I struggled to get up because my Spinal Cord was “zapping” me as usual. Looking…
Read More—Pottery House Cafe and Grille— I had skipped breakfast this morning and wanted an early lunch—a light lunch at that. My friend, Lee Ann, had told me about the “Pottery House Cafe and Grille,” located at ” The Old Mill.” It sounded perfect for today. I got dressed and put on my favorite sweater. At…
Read More—Cabin – Day 2 – Morning— A bad night’s sleep last night I woke up with my Spinal Cord shocking me to death.I set up, put my feet on the floor, and noticed that I was missing a sock.—I still don’t know where that sock is. I got up and walked to the coffee maker,…
Read More—Cabin – Day 1 – Evening— A long nap was had today by yours truly. Around 3 PM, I had a Telehealth Visit today with my Psychologist.I was very impressed that my Psychologist immediately noticed that I was at the Cabin just by seeing the seat I was sitting in and the background. —Very observant.The…
Read More—Cabin – Day 1 – Morning— Good Morning! My day started at about 7 AM EST. I got up, made myself a cup of Coffee, and checked out what I had brought up for Breakfast.I’m trying to do better by bringing food with me instead of waiting until I get here to shop for my…
Read More—Gatlinburg – Road Trip— I have arrived! This morning, at 3 AM, my alarm woke me up.My Dawg (dog) was looking at me from his bed. The look he was giving me, and I know the look well, was an “I’m not going with you, wherever you’re going” look. I had showered before going to…
Read More—Gatlinburg – February 2022— Today I packed my clothes, toiletries, and Medical Supplies for my trip back to the Cabin in Gatlinburg. I plan to get up around 3 AM and head on up there. My Goal while up there is to take down the Christmas Decorations. I figure as long as we get ’em…
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