Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

—A Beautiful Day— It’s been a beautiful day.
Read More—Latest Update— Hi all, I haven’t posted lately. My mind has been elsewhere, I guess. I did get to visit my Aunt and Uncle earlier this week.We sat on the Porch and counted cars as we talked about life.It’s always good to sit and talk with them. Both are a fountain of knowledge. I had…
Read More—Sniped— 2:00 AM I’m walking through a cemetery. This particular cemetery is located inside of “Disney World.”Yeah. I didn’t know Disney World had a cemetery either until I walked up on it while touring through the park. I see my best friend about 50 yards off. I notice a red laser light on his chest.The…
Read More—To All Who Keep Up With My Health— I had my stress test done on my heart yesterday.I also had an Echo Cardiogram performed as well. I was at the doctors’ office from 10:15 AM till about 1:30 PM. I was able to go to the Cafeteria in between tests and the doctors’ appointment to…
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