
I haven’t posted my Journals lately.
Why? Because I was waiting on some good news to report.

When my doctor changed out the Stents in my Kidneys, he took a Urine Sample.
You may remember that I keep an Infection, and the goal is to keep the Infection “Under Control.”
The Urine Sample came back saying that my Infection had gotten out of control. I also remember the word “Colonized.”
Also, since I’ve been on so many antibiotics lately, Thrush has come back. It’s in my mouth again.

I had many things planned lately.
Yesterday, I was returning to my hometown for their Founders Day Celebration and hopefully get some great Stories to write. That didn’t happen, though—Not enough energy.

I have several more days of antibiotics, and then I will see my Urologist and Endocrinologist.

And that is the latest on me—a whopping 150-ish words.

Hopefully, my next Journal Entry will be much more exciting.

Love you,


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