Cabin 2/14/2022

—Cabin 2/14/2022—

I walked the streets of Gatlinburg today, going in and out of shops.

The smell of all the food that gets cooked up and down the street was heavenly.
Every time a Candy Store or Restaurant door would open, the sweet smell would meet me, and I would take it all in.

I popped into the Hot Sauce store named “All Sauced Up.”
They had samples for the customers to try. Some sauces would make your eyes water just by smelling them.
Others had a nice flavor without being too hot.

I then went into “The Chocolate Monkey,” where I purchased a Candied Apple for nine bucks.
This is not your typical Candied Apple, though. It’s covered with Caramel, Nuts, White Chocolate and Dark Chocolate.

I then made my way up to “Fannie Farkles,” stopping here and there along the way.

Once at Fannie’s, I bought a Sausage Dog with Peppers and Onions. I also purchased a foot-long Corndog.

I then made my way back towards my vehicle. I paid Fifteen Dollars for my parking spot.

I’m now back at the cabin and about to eat. —In moderation.

Afterward, I’ll take a nap.

That’s all for now.

Love you,


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