A Good Day

Yesterday, I went and had lunch at one of our local Mexican Restaurants.

As I sat there enjoying my “Steak Fajita’s,” I looked out the window and was met with a big surprise. A Shaved Ice Stand.

“mmm-mmm,” I thought to myself as I scarfed down my food.

“Miss, I need a to-go box, please,” I said to my friendly waitress.

Now, if you know me, you know of my Diabetes. And, I was aware of it as well.

I had water to drink for lunch, and I ate the Steak Fajita without wrapping it in the tortilla, and Steak is mostly Protein. So, I did the math and concluded that I could take about 35 more carbohydrates and still be good.

I paid my bill, took my to-go box, and headed to the “Shaved Ice Stand.”

I walked up to the window, and the cutest little kid, maybe five years old, stuck his head out the window and asked, “How are you doing today?”

“I’m doing just fine, Sir; how are you?”


His Grandmother, who was standing there with him, said, “He loves talking to people.”

I know she was the Grandmother because I said, “You’ve got a cute son, ma’am.”

“Oh, he’s my Grandson,” she replied.

“You don’t look old enough to be a Grandmother.”

“Well, thank you.”

“It’s hot today,” he added.

“It sure is,” I said back to him.

I asked the Grandmother, “How long have y’all been here?”

“We just got here this week. We’ll be here until the end of Summer.”

“Well, I’ll be coming here as much as I can. I love Shaved Ice.”

“Which flavor do you want today?” asked the little man.

“You know, I love the ‘Pina Colada,'” I answered.

“Large or Small,” he asked me.

“I’d love to get a large, but I have to get a small.”

I handed over my money, as well as a tip, and the Grandmother handed me my shaved ice.

“You come back,” the little salesman said back to me.

“Oh, I will. I’ll be back.”

“Thank you, and please come back and see us again,” the Grandmother added.

“Thank you; I hope y’all do well here. I know I’m glad you’re here,” I said as I turned to walk back to my vehicle.

And, It was a good day.

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