—Road Trip 3/4/2022— I woke this morning to my Dawg “Tommy” licking my hands.My usual pain was not present this morning.“It’s gonna be a good day,” I thought to myself. I asked my Alexa device what time it was, and she said it was 5 AM.I excitedly got out of bed and let Tommy out.I…
Read More—Alabama Day Trip— I’m going on a day trip with my Mom and Aunt tomorrow.I’m excited, but at the same time, I don’t want to jinx it by talking about it in this post.If all goes right, I could have a great story tomorrow night.—If all goes right. –Lynn
Read More—3/1/22— I dropped my truck off at my Cousins Shop to have the Brakes changed out and have them look it over. I told him to take his time. Next, Papa and I went Shopping at “Sam’s” and the “Pig.”Papa bought everything at Sam’s, and I bought everything at the Pig.Once we got back home,…
Read More2/26/2022 —Daily Blog—2/26/2022 I slept well after getting home yesterday. I didn’t wake up until 5 AM.—6 AM EST, or “Cabin Time.” That’s about 17 hours of sleep. I let our Dawg “Tommy” outside and began the task of unloading the vehicle.I had taken Mom’s vehicle to the Cabin on this last trip because my…
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