I’ve been “dinking” around my room today. It’s a word. For years, my co-workers told me that I made the word up. And I thought maybe I did.Recently, however, I’ve been watching the TV Show “Cheers,” and the word has gotten used several times.It could be a word that’s unique to Boston and surrounding States.And…
Read MoreI don’t know if you’ve heard, but the lottery is worth over Five Hundred Million Dollars right now. That’s Half a Billion. Alabama does not have a lottery.So, people such as my Dad and I have to sneak over the State Line to purchase our lottery tickets. Plus, it makes for a good road trip.…
Read MoreThe Huddle House. My blood sugar has been acting up, and I’ve learned that steak and potatoes help get it back in shape.All Diabetics learn about their body and how to help their blood sugar as life goes by. I enter and sit at the bar where I usually sit.A handful of people are there.…
Read MoreYou may remember that each year, around Christmas time, I have a Hobby of making Snow Globes. I usually make around twenty.I believe I’ve been doing it for four years now. Maybe five.I hand them out to Friends and Family. I don’t sell them. This year, though, I haven’t gotten into the Christmas Spirit yet.…
Read MoreIt was the day after Thanksgiving, and my Brother and I were taking our Dad out to see a movie. The movie was “Napoleon.” Bridge Street Town Centre in Madison, Alabama, is the place we headed. Upon entering “Bridge Street Town Centre,” I noticed nothing but cars. Cars and people. Lots and lots of people.…
Read MoreIt has begun.I had to sneak out to the Garage to eat this bad boy. Happy Thanksgiving.
Read MoreThanksgiving has arrived, and I do have much to be Thankful for.Of course, there’s too much to list here, but it’s lots. I’ve been busy the past few days. —See Pictures Below—Last year, or the year before, I learned how to make Pecan Pies.I distinctly remember writing in my Journal, “Every man needs to know…
Read MoreGetting my day started can sometimes take time.I love it when something happens to speed up the time it takes to start my day. At 4:30 am, I woke up from having the craziest dream. In my dream, my truck had lost its brakes, and I was driving up on a Traffic Jam.I immediately let…
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