Gatlinburg Update

—Gatlinburg Update—

I got in bed to sleep around 5 p.m. but had to get up to take my dog, “Tommy,” out to do his business. So, I thought I’d update you on my trip.

Today I got my oil changed and spent a good bit of time shopping for food to take with me.
I even bought condiments such as Bama Mayonnaise and French’s Mustard since we do not keep any of that at the cabin.

I got two coolers. One is mid-sized, and one is a smaller “Play Mate” cooler.
I have Sandwich Meats, Bacon, Sausage, Milk, Cream, and Diet Cokes in the coolers.
Then, I filled a “Tote Box” with other supplies such as Cereal, Bread, Chips, and Cookies. Speaking of Cookies, I also have my Diabetic Insulin in the coolers.

I packed my Medical Supplies into another Tote Box, including a bottle of Antibiotics in case of an emergency.
I also have my Hospital Bag packed in case of an emergency.

I spent the least amount of time packing my clothes into my suitcase. That might come back to bite me, but I can buy clothing on the road. Unfortunately, I can’t purchase medical supplies on the road. Not all Pharmacies carry Ostomy Supplies.

3 a.m. will be here soon. So, I need to get back in bed.

That’s all for now.

Love you,


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