Morning Drive 8/23/21

—Morning Drive 8/23/21—

I went for my morning drive today.

As I’ve said before, it helps to get my day started.
Something about sitting in my driver’s seat, and riding around, helps with my pain and kind of gets my mind in the right frame. It helps get my day started.

Today I saw two deer and a family of ducks.

When I came upon the ducks, I thought they were black buzzards, and I figured they’d fly off as I approached.
I quickly realized that it was a family of ducks, and I would flatten them all if I didn’t stop. I stopped.

“quack, quack, quack, quack, quack,” the mother duck, or father duck, shouted at me. I could tell I made it mad.

They weren’t getting out of the way, so I sat.
I was in a quiet residential neighborhood, and it was 6:30 am.
I knew if I honked my horn at the ducks, I’d probably wake some people up. So, I sat there.

“quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.”

“You’re gonna wake people up with all that ‘quacking,’ I shouted out my window.” They moved on.
After they got across the road, and out of my way, they all fly off to the pond that they were headed to.

I drove on and came across two deer getting ready to cross the road. I stopped.
You never know what a deer thinks when he is on the side of the road.
At any moment, he can decide to jump out in front of you.

The two deer looked at me, then looked at the other side of the road.
They decided to chance it and walked across the road. I drove on.

I got to the local fast food joint to get a biscuit.

I placed my order and waited in line to get to the window.

While waiting, I listened to my Sirius XM radio.
I had it on Channel 148, “Radio Classics.”
They play all the old radio shows such as “Johnny Dollar, Gunsmoke,” and others.

I get to the window, and the waitress tells me that the vehicle in front of me had paid for my meal. —Thank you if you’re reading this.

I paid it forward by paying for the order of the guy behind me.

I drove around listening to Classic Radio Shows while eating my Tater-Tots and drinking my Diet Coke.

I am back home now and ready to get this day started.

It’s gonna be a great day.

That is all for now.

Love you,


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