Mr. Wizards World

I’ve been watching a lot of TV since I got sick—A lot of “The Andy Griffith Show” and many others. And on a side note, I’m feeling much better now. I’m even getting out and taking “The Dawgs” for rides. And Thank You for your Prayers and Caring.

While scrolling through the Channels to find something to watch, I ran across “him.” My Eyes widened, and my mouth dropped.
I had forgotten all about “him.”
At some point in Life, I got busy growing up and stopped watching “him.”

It’s sad to think that at one time, I stopped riding a Bicycle. I Stopped playing “Chase.” I Stopped playing “Backyard Football.” —ultimately, I stopped playing Games with my Friends…We all did. At some point, we all stopped playing outside Games and began growing up.
I digress.

So, I got excited when I found the whole Series of the Show on “PlutoTV.”
And I will now tell you who “he” is.
“He” is “Mr. Wizard.” To be more precise, “Mr. Wizard” of “Mr. Wizards Worlld.”

Mr. Wizard was a Scientist who taught Children about Science.
He would take ordinary objects and perform Experiments with them.
His Show was the first to teach me how to harness the Sun’s Energy to cook Food.

At Home, I had a Chemistry Set complete with Chemicals and a book with hundreds of Experiments. This Chemistry Set was made for Children to learn about Science and was “Child Friendly.”
I loved that Chemistry Set. I loved learning about Science.
My Dad knew I loved doing Experiments and playing “Scientist” with my Chemistry Set.
So when a local Company next to where my Dad worked went out of business, Dad and his Co-workers were given orders to clean out the Building and get rid of whatever they could because the Company had closed.

While inside the Building, my Dad found their “Science Laboratory.” A Lab where Real Scientists worked.
So, thinking of me and my love for Science, he got all types of Equipment and brought it home to me. —And it was a lot of Equipment—Don’t worry; there were no chemicals in it—just Equipment such as a Bunson Burner, Beakers, and Test Tubes.
If you’ve ever watched “MASH” and seen the Equipment that Hawkeye used to make Alcohol, then you get the idea of the Equipment I had.

So, three days a week, I’d get home and turn the TV on to watch “Mr. Wizards World.”
And, just like that, I was “Mr. Wizard.” And Yes, I had a “Laboratory.”

My “Science Lab” was set up in our home’s Living Room. It had to be that way because the Living Room was the only Room with a TV.
And when Mr. Wizard came on, I was in “Hog Heaven.” I loved Mr. Wizard.
The Show had Millions of Viewers. Fans even started Clubs and Guilds with Members in the Hundreds of Thousands. Had I known there were Clubs out there, I might have joined one. Remember, this was before the Internet, though. It took a lot of work to get information back then.

With Mr. Wizard and my Chemistry Set, I performed over a Hundred different “Experiments.” Experiments ranging from making blue ink for Inkpens to cooking hamburgers and hot dogs using nothing but sunshine and tinfoil.
My brother Tony and I even took aluminum foil, a magnifying glass, and everything else needed to cook hot dogs to eat while we Fished on the banks of the great “Black Creek,” which we lived next to.

I took my Army Mess Kit, and Tony took his. And, using the Sun’s Energy, we cooked Hot Dogs and Pork -N- Beans. I loved it.
One of the Greatest Joys in my Life was Fishing and cooking Food on the banks of “Black Creek.” I even promised myself I would one day build a House on the Banks of the Creek.

My Friends would come over and play .in my “Laboratory.”
We made all sorts of things, such as getting an Egg into a Bottle, changing the color of a Flower’s Petals, and Hundreds of other “Experiments.”
As I said earlier, the “Kit” didn’t have any harsh chemicals in it. It was made for Kids.
With my Chemistry Set and “Mr. Wizard,” I could do anything.

And when I saw the television show “Mr. Wizards World” on “PlutoTV,” a ton of Memories rushed through my Brain.

And I realized that some of my Greatest Childhood Memories are of me and my Friends Playing “Mr. Wizard.”
And at Forty-Eight years old, I began rewatching “Mr. Wizard” of “Mr. Wizards World.”
