
The day started with me taking my niece to School early this morning.

I don’t know if my niece likes to listen to Old Timey Radio, but that’s what we listen to when she rides with me.
Actually, that’s what we listen to every time either one rides with me.

Growing up, when I took a ride with my Nana or Pawpaw, or my Tot Tot for that matter, I remember what we listened to on the radio.

When I rode with Tot Tot, we didn’t listen to anything.
I’m not even sure if his radio worked in the truck he drove.
We would roll down our windows, and as we drove down the road, we would share drinks from a Gallon Milk Jug that he had filled with water.
I felt like a big boy sharing a Milk Jug with my Tot Tot.

Now, With Nana or Pawpaw, we listened to Gospel. Every time. Unless Paw Paw had brought his tape of Ray Stevens, in which case, we listened to “The “Mississippi Squirrel Revival” as we rode down the road.
Nana would shame Paw Paw for bringing that tape, but every time the Squirrel got loose, you could see a smile grow on Nana’s face.

Those are good memories for me.
I can’t tell you how many times memories have pulled me out of a depression. Sometimes, they’re all we have left of someone.
And, I hope one day, when my nieces are grown, they’ll remember listening to “Bob Hope” or “Johnny Dollar” with me as we rode down the road.

Maybe I’ll also take a Gallon Milk Jug with me tomorrow and see if I can get her to drink water from a Milk Jug. —I don’t think she’d go for that, though.

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