Sick 5/21/2024

I hate these types of posts, and I’m sure you get tired of reading them.

Lately, it seems to be happening more and more often.

I’ll try to keep this on the Adult Level.

I’m sick.


It’s some type of infection in my body.

I have no energy. I keep sleeping and waking up with Cold Sweats.

I posted about Cold Sweats not too long ago.

I left a message with my doctor and his secretary.

I’ve been drinking water and “Bai” Water, which is flavored water.

The Home COVID Tests came back negative.

I don’t even have those symptoms, but I checked anyway.

It’s not the Flu. I don’t have any of those symptoms.

It’s an infection, probably in my Urilogical System.

I’m going to lay in my recliner and sleep and drink water.

My doctor is in the office, so he or his assistant will get back to me soon—unless he’s in surgery all day today, in which case it might not be until tomorrow.

I’m not in any pain.

Just tired and breaking out into Cold Sweats.

Oh, and my Poops green.

Dang it. I got so close to keeping it on an Adult level.

Love you,


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