Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

—Cabin 6/22/22— Whenever I come up to the Cabin, I try to Repair and Upgrade anything that I am physically able to Repair or Upgrade.So, off to “Ace Hardware,” I went. I needed to get two Outside Floodlights to replace two Floodlights that are out.I also purchased some Single Philips Head Screws. Knowing it would…
Read More—Cabin 6/21/22— I got up after 7 AM Eastern today and drove down to the Log Cabin Pancake House. They have pretty good eats. The place wasn’t busy at all at that time.I also noticed that Crocketts Breakfast Camp wasn’t busy as I drove by. At The Log Cabin, I ordered Two Eggs over easy,…
Read More—Fathers Day 2022— Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers, Dads, Daddies, Pops, Papas, Poppas, and Pa’s out there. We love you. And just for you, here is a picture of a Sweet Ride I saw at the Station at the bottom of the Mountain.And, if you look in the background, you’ll see another Sweet…
Read More—Cabin 6/18/22— The Birds outside are Chirping.From the back porch, I see a Chipmunk hopping and running through the woods. He’s having a great time. I sip on my coffee and watch him. I listen to the Chirping of the Birds.In the distance, over Gatlinburg, I can see the fog rising. It came a bad…
Read More—Cabin 6/16/22— I woke at about 7 a.m. I made a cup of coffee and made my way out on the back porch to see if I could see the Bears “Gladys” or “Gary.” Gary was across the road in the neighbor’s yard, which meant he had already gone through our yard. He was sniffing…
Read More—Cabin 6/15/22— A short entry for today.I woke this morning at 7:00 a.m. on the nose. —Eastern Time. I took my meds, gave myself my insulin, and made a cup of coffee. —Black. A lady is supposed to stop by about cleaning the Cabin.So, I’m hoping we will have a new Cleaning Crew. Mom and…
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