Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

I hate Snakes. Period. I’ve had Night Terrors for over twenty-five years regarding something I haven’t talked about on here yet. The night terrors, many times, have snakes. The Mountain that we live on was called “Rattlesnake Mountain” by the older generation.For years, that’s all anyone called this Mountain. —Then, come along a realtor. She…
Read MoreTo pull off today, everybody in the family had to pitch in. Mom was having Cataract Surgery this morning. She had to be there at 5:45 AM. She was the first surgery. Mom, Papa, and my Dad have all had Cataract Surgery. They’ve all had it about a month apart too. The girls needed to…
Read MoreI’ve had quite the day. I put Seventy-Four dollars of gas in my truck.That’s when the pump cut off while using my debit card to pay for my gas at the pump. Seventy-Four dollars.And it didn’t fill up my tank. I guess the bank has debit cards set to cut off at Seventy-Four Dollars when…
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