Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

—Bread, Bread, Bread — I was looking for something to eat for lunch today. I had walked into the kitchen and was looking in the cabinets. I don’t know if they are cabinets or kitchen cupboards. I know there is a difference, but I don’t know what it is.Anyway. I look on the countertops, inside…
Read MoreIt’s been a good day. I ended up making a second trip to Dollar General. After that, I had to make a run to my hometown of Fultondale, Alabama. I get my CPAP supplies from a Healthcare Provider there. Later, mom cooked Chicken and Dressing.Here in the South, we don’t call anything “Stuffing.” Instead, it’s…
Read More—Morning Ritual— I got up today at about 6:30 AM. I went to the fridge to get myself a Diet Coke and found that I was out.Unless I’m on a trip, the first thing I drink in the morning is my Diet Coke.When I’m on trips, I drink Coffee. I don’t know why or how…
Read More—3/31/2022— I stayed awake till half-past 11 last night, watching the weather. Alabama did get some severe weather last night.Many possible tornadoes were spotted while Alabama’s Favorite Weatherman, “Mr. James Spann” gave weather updates. Alabama loves James Spann; The whole state tunes in to watch Mr. Spann during severe weather. We didn’t lose any power,…
Read More—Almost A Road Trip— I had a road trip planned for today, but due to the weather, we pushed it back.See, it’s officially “Tornado Season.”And, I don’t want to talk about the location yet because I still plan on going; When the weather is better.As I said, here in the South, it’s officially “Tornado Season.”…
Read More—3/26/2022— Our power is out.It went out around 3:30 PM.It’s becoming more and more common in this area. All I can say is Thank Goodness for Cell Phone Hot Spots and Laptops.I had just finished charging my phone. I have two Pecan Pies ready to go into the oven, but instead, they are sitting in…
Read More—Momma’s Pecan Pie— No true Southerner can call themselves a true Southerner without knowing how to make at least one type of Pie. It doesn’t matter if it’s fruit or nut, just so’s they know how to cook one Pie.So, I learned how to make a Pie. Pecan Pie, to be exact.And, it’s delicious—if I…
Read More—ER Visit— I had been sick for over Five Days.And, for Five Days, I also had a torn-up stomach. I ate a lot of Tomato Soup during this time and “Campbell’s Cream of Potato Soup.”I was pleasantly surprised with Campbell’s Potato Soup and Progresso’s Tomato Soup with Basil, but I digress. At 8 PM, my…
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