Bread, Bread, Bread

—Bread, Bread, Bread —

I was looking for something to eat for lunch today.

I had walked into the kitchen and was looking in the cabinets. I don’t know if they are cabinets or kitchen cupboards. I know there is a difference, but I don’t know what it is.

I look on the countertops, inside the fridge, back to the cabinet/cupboards, and then back to the countertops.

Then, I realize something; We love bread.
And we do. Mom has even taught me how to pick bread out at the store.
I pat it on the top to see if it’s soft or not. The softer, the better.
We even have brands that we will buy and brands we don’t even touch. Or pat.
Bread gets treated the same way we treat Mayonnaise here in the South. People will fight over which Mayonnaise is the best. —It’s “Bama.”

Here at the house, we have “hoagie bread” from the bakery at the local “Piggly Wiggly,” or sometimes called “The Pig.” And then we have “Artisan Bread,” “Hawaiian Sweet Rolls,” and two types of plain White Sandwich Bread; “Wonder” and “Sunbeam.” Then “Hamburger Buns” and “Hot Dog Buns.”

I see all the bread and think about how many times “Bread” gets mentioned in the Bible. A lot. It might be the perfect food.

I get some Artisan Bread and toast it.
And then I make a Chicken Salad Sandwich.

We do love bread. I especially love it.
And my lunch today was good.

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