Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

Walking With Spina Bifida

Naming My Ostomies

By pwsadmin / May 24, 2021 / Comments Off on Naming My Ostomies

Many people with disabilities eventually end up getting either a colostomy or a urostomy.—I ended up getting both. While I was in the hospital, recovering from my urostomy surgery, the wound care nurse came in and asked me if I had named my newly installed urostomy yet. “I didn’t know I was supposed to.” “You…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Peein’ Blood

By pwsadmin / May 23, 2021 / Comments Off on Peein’ Blood

—Funny Story Many years ago, I received an artificial sphincter muscle.The surgery was successful, and the artificial sphincter muscle was a big game-changer for me. Shortly after the surgery, I was sent home with a Foley catheter inserted in my urethra. The Foley catheter was connected to a Nighttime Urine bag. The urine bag had…

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By pwsadmin / May 22, 2021 / Comments Off on Chattanooga

We had guests coming to stay at the cabin, and I needed to leave. On my way home, I realized something; I wasn’t ready to go home yet. So, I stopped off in Chattanooga and got myself a room at the Best Western. Instead of getting out and seeing the sites, I have been in…

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Friday Night In The City

By pwsadmin / May 22, 2021 / Comments Off on Friday Night In The City

The motel I’m staying at is on one of the main roads here. All night I’ve heard emergency vehicles pass by.Ambulance, Fire Trucks, and Police Cars have been going by all night.It’s Friday night in the city. Each time an emergency vehicle passes by, I say a prayer for the person(s) they are heading to…

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Morning Breakfast

By pwsadmin / May 21, 2021 / Comments Off on Morning Breakfast

It’s 11:20 AM here in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and I just walked back into my room from eating breakfast at the “City Cafe.” “City Cafe” is a chain restaurant. We even had one in Huntsville, Alabama.When I worked in Huntsville, I would walk over to the City Cafe to eat breakfast and lunch. The City Cafe…

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Evening Update 5/20/21

By pwsadmin / May 21, 2021 / Comments Off on Evening Update 5/20/21

Almost everyone staying here works during the day.These are blue-collar workers.One large group of guys who are staying here go around the Country laying pipe. Each morning, beginning around 5 AM, the guys start coming out and packing their things, such as lunches, into their work trucks and leaving.It continues until about 6:30 AM. Then,…

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Restless Night

By pwsadmin / May 20, 2021 / Comments Off on Restless Night

I had a restless night last night. It wasn’t the bed, I promise. The bed is great. Very comfy, in fact. I have a tethered spinal cord, which goes hand in hand with Spina Bifida, and it can be pretty painful at times.Last night was no exception. It felt like someone had my Spinal Cord…

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Walking With Spina Bifida


By pwsadmin / May 19, 2021 / Comments Off on Chattanooga

I had an excellent telehealth appointment with my doctor today.Isn’t telehealth medicine great?It is for me. After all, I have many doctors, and each one wants to see me around every three months. With telehealth medicine, I can have multiple appointments in one day.I can even have the appointments while on vacation.And, if nothing has…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Best Western

By pwsadmin / May 19, 2021 / Comments Off on Best Western

I left the cabin early in the A.M. today and decided to stop off in Chattanooga to stay at a “Best Western.” I do so love the old drive-up motel rooms.—The kind where you pull right on up to the door of your room. I have a big bed, fridge, microwave, TV, and all the…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Late Night Meal

By pwsadmin / May 15, 2021 / Comments Off on Late Night Meal

I drove to an all-night diner tonight. It’s Friday night…—the place is packed. Being alone, I grabbed a seat up front. My waitress, “Ms. Becky,” was supposed to get off work at 9 PM.It’s now 9:15 PM EST. She’s talking to a co-worker as I sit down. “I guess I ain’t getting out anytime soon…

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