Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

Walking With Spina Bifida
Walking With Spina Bifida

July 4th, 2021

By pwsadmin / July 5, 2021 / Comments Off on July 4th, 2021

Happy Independence Day, 2021.It was a lot better day than July 4th, 2020 … The day started with me getting up early and moving around. I have a lot of neuropathic pain, muscle pains, and bone pains each morning when I wake up. It’s all due to Spina Bifida.So, moving around sometimes relieves the pain,…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida and The Outhouse

By pwsadmin / July 2, 2021 / Comments Off on Spina Bifida and The Outhouse

Being born with Spina Bifida, I wore a diaper for a good bit of my life.As a result, my restroom usage was a lot different than most other people.Meaning I don’t use the restroom in the same manner others do. I admit that I was born in the age of indoor plumbing.That’s what I got…

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Health Update 6/28/21

By pwsadmin / June 28, 2021 / Comments Off on Health Update 6/28/21

To everyone who keeps up with my health: You may or may not know, but in 2019 I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Since then, I’ve been put on medication as well as insulin, and I’ve been pretty good at keeping my blood sugar under control. My average blood/sugar range is 105-110, which the…

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Walking With Spina Bifida


By pwsadmin / June 27, 2021 / Comments Off on Germs

—Germs— I’ve gotten so many infections in my life that we decided that I needed one of those “Germ Killing” lights. You can look them up. After all, having fewer germs in my life couldn’t hurt and could help. So, I got one.… And, I love it. I don’t know if it kills germs, but…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Outing with Momma

By pwsadmin / June 24, 2021 / Comments Off on Outing with Momma

6/24/2021(Some stops were skipped for privacy reasons…) “Where we gonna eat, momma?” “I don’t know. Where you wanna eat?” “I remember when I was young, and we went out to a real restaurant, and they asked me how I wanted my hamburger cooked. I was little and said, ‘it ain’t a real burger if you…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Mr. Darling

By pwsadmin / June 23, 2021 / Comments Off on Mr. Darling

My Pawpaw’s side of my family came from West Virginia.Much of my family still live there. ( Hey, Aunt Nedra. I love you)If you go even farther back, we probably came from Great Britain.After all, I’m 75% Great Britan, according to my DNA results. We once had a family reunion in West Virginia.Pawpaw wanted me…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

College Speech Class

By pwsadmin / June 20, 2021 / Comments Off on College Speech Class

I was born shy. My brother Tony was shy as well.He sent me over to the neighbors’ house to borrow their encyclopedias because he was too shy to go and ask for himself. I can talk a good game here, but in real life, I’m pretty shaky.It can take me years before I am comfortable…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Dentist Visit

By pwsadmin / June 19, 2021 / Comments Off on Dentist Visit

I spent some time today at the dentists’ office getting a temporary installed. (I like saying it like that) I absolutely dread going to the dentist for things like this.I’d much rather have to endure another surgery. The dentist deadened my face so that he could perform the procedure. I don’t mind shots at all—except…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida Clinic Appointment

By pwsadmin / June 16, 2021 / Comments Off on Spina Bifida Clinic Appointment

I made it to my appointment at the Spina Bifida Clinic today. This particular Clinic is specializing in “Adults” with Spina Bifida. You may or may not know, but there is not much information on Adults living with Spina Bifida.UAB Hospital is one of the few places that has a Clinic for Adults. While there,…

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Spina Bifida Clinic

By pwsadmin / June 16, 2021 /

To all who keep up with my Health: Tomorrow, I have an all-day appointment at the Spina Bifida Clinic. It’s not an appointment that I ever look forward to.That’s because a lot of the patients are much worse off than me.Some are in wheelchairs, and some are in beds.—I sometimes feel horrible walking in there.…

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