

I returned home from dropping the dogs, “Jet” and “Cooper,” off at the Vet.

When I walked through the front door, I was met with a “Smell.”

“Oh, no. What’s that smell? I’ve spent all week cleaning this house and making it smell good, and now this. I don’t have time for this.”

I followed the smell into one of the rooms and was met with “it.”
Two piles of “Sunshine.”

“Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Mom and Papa are on their way home, and now this!”

I get a roll of Paper Towels, Medical Gloves, and some warm water.

I go back to the room and get on my knees.

Mumbling to myself, I say, “The little balls of ‘Joy’ have been planning this attack all week. They probably heard me telling Papa to drive carefully on the way home, and they knew it was now or never.”

One pile of Sunshine is bad enough, but this was two. Two!

“This was intentional. They aren’t cute little dogs. They’re dive bombers. I hope they get twenty-four shots today at the Vet’s office.”

I had worked hard to get the house clean and smelling good. I even De-Germed the whole place with my Germ Killing Lamp.

“I should throw one of my Colostomy Bags on their bed. That’ll show ’em.”

I get the “Sunshine” cleaned up. I then mop the floor. We have wood floors throughout the house, making it easier.

“Thank goodness ‘Sparky’ the Roomba Vacuum didn’t come in here to clean. That could’ve been bad…”

I get my Germ Killing Lamp back out and set it down in the room where the “Attack” happened and turn it on.
I then run to Dollar General to get some Candles. Big Candles. The Five-Dollar ones.

I’m now back at the house. The Candles are lit, and the Germ Lamp is going.

Maybe, if everything goes right, the house will smell good when Mom and Papa arrive home.
