The ending of this day has been much better than the beginning.
Momma had to run an errand with her sister. So, I went to pick up one of my Nieces while Papa went to pick up the other.
Papa and I had agreed to meet in Gardendale to eat dinner with the girls.
The place was “Mings Garden.”
I’ve been eating at Mings since I was a kid.
We ate there when I made the Honor Roll. We also ate there the day the Challenger Blew Up.
So, it’s a special place.
I arrived first, so we went in and got the table.
While waiting, I ordered the appetizer called the “Pu-Pu Platter.”
You’ve probably heard of it with a name like that.
I texted Papa and said, “I got us the Pu Pu platter for an appetizer.”
My auto-correct, however, wrote, “I got us the Puppy Platter for an appetizer.” I didn’t proofread, of course, and sent it.
We all laughed about it later.
The Nieces both ate the “Steamed Dumplings.”
I have to tell you, I’ve looked at those things throughout my life and have never tried them. I’ve tried them now, and they are pretty good. I’d eat them again.
While sitting there, we each talked about our day. —We laughed and shared food. It was very nice.
My Fortune Cookie said it’s time for me to start a new Hobby.
To which I said, “I just started my Garden.”
Papa’s said something about forgetting his diet and eating desserts for the next month. I kid you not.
All-in-all, it was great.
It was a nice ending to a day that started out pretty darn bad.
And yes, I know it’s only 5:30 PM, but I’m going ahead and putting an end to this day.
I hope your day ends well.
That’s all for now.
Love you,