The Lone Cub

—Cabin 6/23/22—

Last night, at about Midnight, I wandered onto the back porch because I couldn’t sleep.

It was quiet outside, and I could hear some “animal” slowly easing its way toward the Cabin.
It sounded like a Hog to me. I say that because I had heard this exact sound many times before, and it’s always been a hog.

Bears are very quiet. They’re hard to hear, and this thing was easy to hear.

It was getting closer and closer.
I had turned the Floodlights on so that I could get a glimpse of whatever it was whenever he got to the Cabin.

Then, I saw what it was, and my heart sank.

It was a baby cub only months old. It was by itself. No Mama Bear around. And I knew that wasn’t good. He was about the size of a Fat Coon.

I never see Bears out after dark. I guess they go and get into their dens, caves, or wherever they live—once it gets dark.
I knew this Baby Cub Shouldn’t be out at Midnight. But, I also knew if his Mama was “Okay,” she wouldn’t let him be out walking around this late.

He walked up underneath our Porch and into our Driveway.
He then continued on down the Mountain.
I never saw or heard the Mama Bear.
In fact, I think he was out looking for his Mama.

And I went to bed saddened last night.

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