
Tommy the Dawg loves his seatbelt.

He patiently sits in the front seat while I attach the Dog Seatbelt around him. I believe it makes him feel special. Important even. And he is.
He doesn’t even put up a fight while I attach it to him.

While riding around today, I noticed that he is more relaxed.
He’s figured out that the seatbelt keeps him from bouncing around, which relaxes him.
He rode with me into town to CVS today.

My latest batch of Chili is excellent. That reminds me; I think the whole State of Alabama is out of Saltine Crackers.
I went to three stores today because we are out of Saltines, and I couldn’t find one box. Nope. Not one.
I guess the whole State made Chili and needed Crackers to go with their Chili.
So, I used Fritos this time.

Tomorrow, I may make a bowl of Taco Salad using Chili.
When I was in School, Pizza Day and Taco Salad Day were the best days to eat in the Lunchroom. And that’s where I learned to make Taco Salad.
You put Lettuce, Tostitos, Cheese, and Sour Cream in a bowl and cover it with the Chili. Delicious.

I know it’s a short Journal Entry today, but I’ve got to get back to watching the Alabama Football Game.

So, that’s all for now.

Love you,


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