Road Trip

A busy but productive day today.

The day started with me waking up early.
Since I had plans for the day, I decided it would be best if I didn’t go back to sleep. I know from past experience that if I go back to sleep, I’m in danger of sleeping through my alarm clock. So, I stayed up.

At 7:05 am, I took Niece number two to school and dropped her off.

I then made my way over to my dad’s house to pick him up for our “Road Trip” to Georgia.

The drive to Georgia was right at two hours one way.
So, I had to be mindful of the time since I had to be back in time to pick Niece number two up from school.

The Road Trip was fun.
We mostly talked, but we also listened to a bit of music. We mostly talked, though.

Once we arrived at the Gas Station in Georgia, we both quickly got what we had come for.
We stayed for about thirty minutes before hopping back into the vehicle and making our way back to Bama.

Speaking of making our way back to Bama: There is something special about crossing back over the Alabama State Line.
There is something about seeing the Welcome Sign that reads, “Sweet Home Alabama.” It’s a warm fuzzy feeling.
You probably experience the same feeling when you cross over your State Line. You feel a bit safer once you cross back into your home state.
Or maybe it’s just me. I hope everyone gets that feeling, though.

We got back in time for me to drop dad off at his house and for myself to get into the School Pick Up Line by 2:00 pm.

Once Niece number two and I returned home, I made more Chili for the weekend.
It’s great Chili Weather down here.

Tommy the Dawg’s, Seatbelt came in the mail today.
I quickly adjusted it, put it on him, and took him for a ride.
It works great.
Now, he won’t bounce all around while I drive.
It keeps him seated great.
And he seemed to like it as well. He didn’t fight it whatsoever.
I try to take him out for a ride twice a day.
And now, with the Seatbelt, I’ll be able to take him farther off.
I’ve been avoiding main roads and only riding him around the mountain here. Not anymore. I can take him with me more often now.

I just finished my first bowl of Chili, and I’m going back for seconds.
With that said, I’m gonna sign off for now.

Love you,

