
It was a Dreary Day outside today.

I Hate Dreary Days.
They usually make me a bit saddened. Not today, though.

I kept busy, doing whatever I could, around the house, in between working on my Snow Globes.
Sometimes, with Snow Globes, you must wait for things such as the Lacquer or the Glue to dry.
So, I waited—and cleaned up.

Later, I loaded Tommy the Dawg up and ran to CVS to get a few needed items.
Then, I straightened the Kitchen up and washed the dishes in the sink.

Papa got Mom and took her out for a desperately needed ride.
She hasn’t gotten out of the house in a long time.
I could tell that the trip did her some good. She looked more peaceful and rested after they returned home.

We had Steak and Baked Potato for dinner.
Papa did the cooking, and I fixed Mom’s Baked Potato up the way she likes it and gave her dinner in bed. She has a Tray that sits on your lap.
I call it a “Lap Tray.” I’m sure it has a more proper name, though.
Anyway, Mom sat up in the bed, and I unfolded the little legs on the tray and sat it on her lap.

I put Butter, Onions, Bacon Bits, Shredded Cheese, Sour Cream, and more Butter on her Potato. It looked perfect. Mom said it was delicious.

I was so hungry that I ate two steaks and a Baked Potato. Yep. Two.

All the dishes are now in the sink and ready to be washed. I also put away everything we got out of the fridge, such as Shredded Cheese and Sour Cream.
Don’t tell anyone, but I’m gonna wait ’till tomorrow to wash the dishes.

That’s all for today.

Love you,

