To his family and friends, he is caring, dependable, devoted, and hard-working.
His son admires and loves him.
His Aunt says his son is the spitting image of him.
His wife passed away when his son was young.
He dutifully accepted the challenge of being a Single Father.
He loves his son more than anything else in this world.
His work week is Tough.
His work ethic is Strong.
He works all hours. Monday thru Saturday, you’ll see him working hard early in the morning ’till late at night when the moon is high in the sky.
The Townspeople have a friend in him.
Sunday is his “Off Day.” He attends church.
In addition, he often volunteers to teach Bible Study Classes.
He’s a Member of the Lodge and is also on the Bowling Team.
His Best Friend loves him. They go way back to childhood.
He loves his Best Friend.
Many times he’s saved him. And he did it with a Humble Heart.
He never accepted credit.
He hardly ever accepts credit for anything positive that he does.
Women adore him.
He never dates two girls at the same time, though. In a word, Trustworthy.
The Townspeople call him “Friend.”
His son calls him “Pa.”
His Best Friend calls him “Ange.”
Criminals call him “Sheriff.”
The Mayor calls him “Andrew.”
You can call him Andy. Sheriff Andy Taylor.
—Sheriff of Mayberry, North Carolina