I woke to the Cracking Sound of Thunder and Lightning. It was so loud that my eyes opened right up, and I was awake.I wasn’t even groggy. It woke me straight up. Thunder does that to me if it’s loud enough. And this was loud. —A cracking sound followed by a big boom. “Dang-it, it…
Read More—Bread, Bread, Bread — I was looking for something to eat for lunch today. I had walked into the kitchen and was looking in the cabinets. I don’t know if they are cabinets or kitchen cupboards. I know there is a difference, but I don’t know what it is.Anyway. I look on the countertops, inside…
Read MoreIt’s been a good day. I ended up making a second trip to Dollar General. After that, I had to make a run to my hometown of Fultondale, Alabama. I get my CPAP supplies from a Healthcare Provider there. Later, mom cooked Chicken and Dressing.Here in the South, we don’t call anything “Stuffing.” Instead, it’s…
Read More—3/26/2022— Our power is out.It went out around 3:30 PM.It’s becoming more and more common in this area. All I can say is Thank Goodness for Cell Phone Hot Spots and Laptops.I had just finished charging my phone. I have two Pecan Pies ready to go into the oven, but instead, they are sitting in…
Read More—Momma’s Pecan Pie— No true Southerner can call themselves a true Southerner without knowing how to make at least one type of Pie. It doesn’t matter if it’s fruit or nut, just so’s they know how to cook one Pie.So, I learned how to make a Pie. Pecan Pie, to be exact.And, it’s delicious—if I…
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