
The Train Museum

By pwsadmin / March 31, 2022 / Comments Off on The Train Museum

—Trains— I’ve always loved trains.We lived right next to a train track when I was younger, and the tracks were about thirty yards from our house. They may have been closer than that. And, When the evening train would come by our house, I would go to my spot so that I could wave to…

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By pwsadmin / March 26, 2022 / Comments Off on 3/26/2022

—3/26/2022— Our power is out.It went out around 3:30 PM.It’s becoming more and more common in this area. All I can say is Thank Goodness for Cell Phone Hot Spots and Laptops.I had just finished charging my phone. I have two Pecan Pies ready to go into the oven, but instead, they are sitting in…

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Momma’s Pecan Pie

By pwsadmin / March 26, 2022 / Comments Off on Momma’s Pecan Pie

—Momma’s Pecan Pie— No true Southerner can call themselves a true Southerner without knowing how to make at least one type of Pie. It doesn’t matter if it’s fruit or nut, just so’s they know how to cook one Pie.So, I learned how to make a Pie. Pecan Pie, to be exact.And, it’s delicious—if I…

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The Family

By pwsadmin / March 24, 2022 / Comments Off on The Family

—The Family— I was at the hospital at 3 AM because I hang out at hospitals at 3 AM. Where do you hang out at 3 AM? In “Triage,” I’m sitting in a chair, my arms hugging my stomach, and saying to my nurse, “They’re seven minutes apart, I tell ya. I’ve been timin’ ’em.”…

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Surprise Birthday Party

By pwsadmin / March 14, 2022 / Comments Off on Surprise Birthday Party

I’ve been as busy as a Social Butterfly here lately. I’ve gone to two, yes, count ’em, two, Birthday Parties. The first one was a Surprise Birthday Party for my First Cousin on Papa’s side.She celebrated the Big Six-Zero.—She doesn’t look a day over 44.As I said, it was a surprise party, and it took…

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By pwsadmin / March 11, 2022 / Comments Off on 3/11/2022

I got up at 4 AM this morning.I asked my Amazon Alexa for the weather forecast.The Hi for today is 70 and the low tonight is 27.The “S” word is getting tossed around. Yes, we could have an inch of Snow at some point this weekend.Weather in the South can be weird. I have a…

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By pwsadmin / March 11, 2022 / Comments Off on Epitaphs

—Epitaphs— The sun was out, and the temperature was in the ’60s today.We have the weirdest weather here in the South. I’m sure it’s like that all over, though.This weekend, the weather is supposed to be cold, and the word “Snow” is getting tossed around. Today is nice, though. With it being so nice out,…

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The Bullies

By pwsadmin / March 10, 2022 / Comments Off on The Bullies

—The Bullies— I was twelve or so, and it was Summertime. I’m lying down in bed watching TV when all of a sudden, my brother Tony comes running into the bedroom.He quickly lifts the mattress and throws something underneath, and lets the mattress drop. He then hops in bed with me. “I’ve been here all…

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Oh Well

By pwsadmin / March 6, 2022 / Comments Off on Oh Well

I got up early today and immediately wanted to go for a drive. I checked to see what time it was. 5 AM. “Perfect!” I thought. I got up and brushed my teeth. I thought I’d take a shower after I got back.I wanted to ride around and see the Deer as the sun came…

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Dixieland Delight

By pwsadmin / March 5, 2022 / Comments Off on Dixieland Delight

—Dixieland Delight— In 1969, “Randy Owen” and his cousin formed the Country Music Group “Alabama,” and Country Music has never been the same. There are a lot of things that Alabamians disagree on. Things like: Football – Alabama or AuburnTea – Sweet or SweeterMayonnaise – Bama or DukesPizza – Pineapple or No PineappleTrucks – Chevrolet…

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