With our health being what it is at this house, we decided it was time to get a Defibrillator in case of an emergency. —Defibrillators are devices that restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. They are used to prevent or correct an arrhythmia, a heartbeat that is…
Read More—COVID Update 8/4/2021— I tested negative again today. Well, it took a while, but they’ve learned to take their own vitals.All you do is take your temperature, oxygen level, and heart rate.Heck, the heart rate meter is built into the oximeter. I’m glad they took their own vital signs because I can’t get going today.I…
Read More—COVID Update – Night – 8/3/2021— Everyone is still doing well here, including myself. Mom did place an order with Wal-Mart Pick up, and I drove there to pick it up.It was my first time doing so, and I’ll do better next time. Mom told me to take a cooler with me for the refrigerated…
Read More—COVID Update 8/3/2021— I’ve made my rounds today, and everyone’s temperature and O2 levels are normal. I tested myself this morning, and the test came back negative. In other posts, I did fail to mention that I do get in my vehicle and drive around a lot.I mean, a lot.I figure I can quarantine in…
Read More—COVID Update 8/2/2021— I got up early to make my rounds… I sound like a medical professional.I will let things go to my head if I don’t watch myself. Anyway, I took the vitals of “Patient Zero,” one elderly female, at 0800 hours today.Oxygen was in the average range of 97.The temperature of the patient…
Read More—COVID Health Update 8/1/2021— As many of you know, five people live in this house together. Four have tested positive for COVID—Two Elderly and two youths.I tested negative at the doctor’s office and continue to test negative using the COVID Home Test Kit.The doctor even sent one of my tests off, and it came back…
Read More—7/31/2021 Update—Since we knew that Mom had COVID-19, and I was negative, I took that opportunity to go to the Pharmacy and buy many things I felt we might need. Among the items bought were five COVID home tests. —That would be one test per person in the family.When I got home with them, I…
Read More—To Those Who Keep Up With My Health— COVID has hit this family.(Mom, Papa, and I have all been vaccinated too.) Mom, Papa, and two of my nieces have all tested positive for COVID-19. I, however, have been tested three times, and I have tested negative every time. (One test was sent off) Still, due…
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