—ER Visit— I had been sick for over Five Days.And, for Five Days, I also had a torn-up stomach. I ate a lot of Tomato Soup during this time and “Campbell’s Cream of Potato Soup.”I was pleasantly surprised with Campbell’s Potato Soup and Progresso’s Tomato Soup with Basil, but I digress. At 8 PM, my…
Read More—Medical Journal Entry— At 2 AM on 3/16/2022, I woke up with tremendous pain in my lower left and right back. —Kidney Pain— I got out of bed and immediately emptied my nighttime urine bag to monitor my urine output. (To monitor, I needed to start at zero CCs) In a great deal of pain,…
Read More—To All Who Keep Up with My Health— I saw my Urologist today for my regular appointment. You may remember that I had stents put in both of my Kidneys about four months ago.This was to try and improve my Hydro-Nephrosis Kidneys.Hydro-Nephrosis is usually easily resolved for a typical person. However, with me having a…
Read More2/26/2022 —Daily Blog—2/26/2022 I slept well after getting home yesterday. I didn’t wake up until 5 AM.—6 AM EST, or “Cabin Time.” That’s about 17 hours of sleep. I let our Dawg “Tommy” outside and began the task of unloading the vehicle.I had taken Mom’s vehicle to the Cabin on this last trip because my…
Read More—A Bad Morning— I woke at 3 AM EST. My Spinal Cord was in pain as usual. However, this particular pain only happens every six months or so. I get up, and immediately, my Spinal Cord bends me over— Literally.I can’t stand up straight when it’s like this.It proves to me, once again, that my…
Read More—Blog 12/16/2021— The day started out as usual—me getting up at 4 AM being shocked by my Spinal Cord.That’s the closest thing to describing it. —Electrocution. I drag myself out of bed, put my clothes on and decide to drive around, listening to XM Channel 148, Classic Radio. Around 7 AM, I’m feeling better. So…
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